Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Second World War, I

If we have a quiz on this reading, it will be an open-note quiz. Here are the parameters:

  • If you copy directly from the text, you must put the text's language in quotes.
  • You must use quotation marks on your quizzes if you intend to quote from the text.
  • Your notes must be your own. I will check to make sure no one is copying from classmates. 
  • Your answers must be specific and provide context. They will be longer than normal.
  1. What did Hitler gain from the Hitler-Stalin pact? (Also, define the term).
  2. What was the point of the "cash and carry" amendment to neutrality legislation in 1939?
  3. Create a narrative of German military actions from the invasion of Poland to the fall of France. Use dates.
  4. How did the United States respond to the fall of France? (details.)
  5. What was the "historic decision" that FDR faced as Britain fought for survival in the summer and fall of 1940? Why was it such a difficult decision? What were the two sides?
  6. "In a sense, his opponent was Adolf Hitler, not Willkie." Explain.
  7. Define the Lend Lease Bill. Why is it described as "one of the most momentous laws ever to pass Congress?"
  8. What was the Atlantic Charter?
  9. Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor?
  10. How did Pearl Harbor change U.S. public opinion of the war?

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