Thursday, April 4, 2013

The New Deal, I


  1. What were the Hundred Days?
  2. What were FDR's three R's, and can you give an example of legislation for each? (Hint: use the charts in the book!)
  3. What did the Glass-Stegall Banking Reform Act do?
  4. What was the CCC?
  5. Who was Huey Long?
  6. What was the National Recovery Administration?
  7. What did the Agricultural Adjustment Administration do?
  8. Would say that the New Deal was a well-planned, well-thought out policy program, or more of a "let's see what works" approach?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Questions: 738-747


  1. Describe Herbert Hoover's strengths and Al Smith's weaknesses as candidates in the 1928 presidential election.
  2. How did Hoover deal with the ongoing depression in America's farmland? 
  3. Define: Hawley-Smoot Tariff
  4. Define: Black Tuesday
  5. What caused the Great Depression?
  6. How might Hoover's political philosophy have hindered his efforts at combating the Great Depression?
  7. Define: Reconstruction Finance Corporation