Saturday, February 16, 2013

Questions: 520-528


  1. In addition to the rise of railroads, what other factors fueled postwar economic growth in the US?
  2. What is vertical integration? What is horizontal integration?
  3. What is the Bessemer process?
  4. Who was Andrew Carnegie?
  5. Who was J.P. Morgan?
  6. Who was John D. Rockefeller?
  7. What is Social Darwinism?
  8. What was the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Rise of Railroads

Girls, make sure to keep your Frederick Jackson Turner handouts, and bring them with you to class. We will cover it first thing. Now, on to your reading questions:

  1. Approximately how many miles of railway had been laid in the United States by 1900? (Round up.)
  2. Describe the relationship between the railroads and the US Government. Was it mutually beneficial? How?
  3. How did US Congress use wartime arguments to lay the foundation for a transcontinental railroad?
  4. When did the Central and Union Pacific railways meet in Ogden, Utah, marking the completion of the Transcontinental railroad?
  5. ID: Cornelius Vanderbilt
  6. What does it mean to say that the railroads were the first "big-business" in the US? Provide details.
  7. What affect did the railroads have on time zones?
  8. Describe the negative aspects of the railroad