Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Begin Test Review


I've decided to take out the last assignment. So we finish content with the reading on the Progressive Era. Please begin reviewing, and also consider the meaning of this phrase:

"Hamiltonian means for Jeffersonian Ends."

Monday, March 4, 2013

Questions: 638-650


  1. What is Progressivism? Where did it come from? What are the major ideas behind the Progressive movement?
  2. Who were the muckrakers? Give some examples.
  3. From the section "Political Progressivism," what were some of the things that reformers pushed for in politics?
  4. What was Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal?
  5. What were the Elkins and Hepburn Acts?
  6. What were the Meat Inspection and Food and Drug Acts?