Friday, September 14, 2012

The Road to Revolution, Part I: Reading 1.4, 109-111 and 113-118

Your reading picks up at the end of the French and Indian War, in 1763, and mostly deals with the aftermath of that conflict in the colonies. This is big time stuff, girls, so read carefully. Here are some questions for your consideration:
  1. Define: Pontiac's Rebellion
  2. Define: Proclamation of 1763
  3. Define: republicanism
  4. Define: radical Whigs
  5. Define: Mercantilism
  6. Define: Stamp Act
Please try to read around these terms, too, so you get some context.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Map Work


Your only homework is to finish your maps. You can find the instructions, here. Don't forget to include New France and New Spain. As I said in class, these are not bonus features.

Attach a separate piece of paper that summarizes your findings. What are the general features of the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies (hint: you can find summaries in your books, but you better not plagiarize). This can be done in a few sentences.

Please feel free to use your search engines at home to find more detailed maps than the one in your books.

This is a completion grade. If you do your best to get everything on there, keep it neat, and bring it to class, you will get full credit.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Economy and Religion in the British Colonies: Reading 1.3

The next reading will take us into the 18th cenutry and look at economic and social features of the British colonies. Here are some questions for your consideration:
  1. Name at least one major industry for each of the three regions (New England, Middle, and Plantation Colonies.
  2. What is the triangular trade? (See map on pg. 84.)
  3. Elaborate on the quote, "Yet strains appeared in this complex network as early as the 1730s" (referring to the Colonial economy).
  4. What were the two most prominent "established" churches in the colonies?
  5. How were the Anglican and Congregationalist churches different in the colonies?
  6. In the shortest sentence possible, what was The Great Awakening?